Επιστημονική Εταιρεία Ελέγχου του Στρες & Προαγωγής της Υγείας

Η Καθηγήτρια κα Δαρβίρη Χριστίνα συμμετείχε στο 2ο ετήσιο συνέδριο ειδκών για την κατάθλιψη, το άγχος και την διαχείριση του στρες το ποίο πραγματοποιήθηκε στην Βαρκελώνη της Ισπανίας, 7-9 Νοεμβρίου 2016. Το θέμα που παρουσίασε η Καθηγήτρια ήταν σχετικό με την τεχνική της Πυθαγορείου Αυτογνωσίας.

Η κα Agnese, Επιστημονική συγγραφέας και εκδότης, παρακολούθησε το συνέδριο και έγραψε μία αναφορά σχετική. Για την παρουσίαση της κας Δαρβίρη ανέφερε τα παρακάτω:

 "Dr. Darviri introduced the "Pythagorean Self-Awareness Technique for Stress Management, Memory Improvement and Well-being " (PSAT) that she elaborated together with her colleagues. This intriguing method is based on philosophical principles enunciated by Pythagoras in the 6th century BC that provide guidelines for a healthy and balanced life. Dr. Darviri explained that the technique leads to self-awareness through careful and objective introspection. Following Pythagoras' guidelines, one examines dispassionately his/her own behavior, trying to critically analyze the reasons behind each action but also considering the behaviors and remarks of other persons with whom one has interacted. The technique is practiced twice a day. The goal is to understand whether the person acted or not according to Pythagoras' principles, whether he/she should feel pleased or disappointed with himself/herself, and, in the latter case, how he/she should have behaved. Then, once a week a therapist will review the patient's progress in self-awareness and the effects of PSAT on the patient's health. Practiced regularly, the technique will improve an individual's critical abilities and emotional control, strengthen one's sense of self in daily life and in relation to the others, and help acquire a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Darviri tested PSAT in a pilot study with healthy individuals during 8 weeks. PSAT highly improved various parameters related to well-being and to good physical and mental health, such as: perceived stress, mental fatigue, negative emotions, sleep disturbances, self-control and control of anger, and also the speed of cognitive tasks. Also a significant beneficial effect was found for anxiety and systolic blood pressure. Dr. Darviri also mentioned that PSAT has already been implemented on patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and multiple sclerosis with spectacular results."

Agnese Mariotti, PhD

Science writer & editor
